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onOffice sync

onOffice Sync

Please note that this module is a paid add-on module and may not be included in the selected onOffice enterprise version. Please contact your sales representative for more information.

onOffice Sync is an add-on module that synchronizes tasks, appointments and addresses from onOffice enterprise with the smartphone / Outlook client or a Microsoft Office 365 and vice versa.

Please notethat the sync to a locally installed Outlook is done via z-Push and differs from the new Microsoft Outlook Sync. The latter only works with a Microsoft Office 365 account.

Before the first synchronization you should check which data is available at which location. For example, if there are addresses in Microsoft Outlook that you have also entered in onOffice enterprise, these addresses would appear twice after the first synchronization!
The same applies to appointments and tasks.

For more details, please refer to the instructions in the manuals.

onOffice sync