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Please note that this module is a paid add-on module and may not be included in the selected onOffice enterprise version. Please contact your sales representative for more information.

Vouchers, bookings, invoices and credit notes – with the invoicing module you can now map invoicing directly in onOffice enterprise.

Invoicing is a central task in everyday work. With invoicing from onOffice, you no longer need separate billing software, but manage everything centrally in one place.

Articles are already stored in onOffice enterprise for certain standard services such as valuation, document procurement, brochure creation and commission. With maintained articles and automated templates in your corporate design, manual invoicing is no longer necessary.

You can see all receipts and the payment status of customers at a glance. In the overview, you can filter according to which receivables are open, paid or overdue. You can quickly enter payments directly from the overview.

E-bill: With an e-bill, invoice information is transmitted electronically, received automatically and processed further. This enables end-to-end digital processing from the creation of the invoice to the payment of the invoice amounts. An XML file with the invoice data is automatically sent together with the PDF invoice. The X-invoice format used (3.0.2) complies with the legal requirements for mandatory e-invoicing in accordance with EN 16931.

All documents (such as the PDF invoice and the invoice data as XML) are saved as a file in the activities. Bookings and receipts can be exported via CSV.

With the new billing macros, the same invoice can be generated at any time with the exact data at the time of invoicing, even if invoice-relevant details in the data record (e.g. the contact) have changed in the meantime. Thus, the storage complies with the requirements of the GoBD (principles for the proper keeping and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form as well as for data access).

Quick start:

In order to be able to work quickly and productively with Faktura, the prerequisites and settings that must be made are explained in short form as a tutorial on a separate Quick Start page.


The functions of the Invoice module are explained below. One-time payments and recurring payments, i.e. subscriptions, can be settled with the invoice.

  • What basic settings need to be made to get started with Invoice? Here you set the document texts and templates and configure invoice numbers, payment terms, discounts, tax rates and currencies.
  • How does the article managementwork? You define the desired article groups and articles you want to offer.
  • How to create matching email and PDF templates for an invoice in Template Management ?
  • How are billing mac ros used in templates and what are the macros?
  • How are bookings created for an contact?
  • How do you create and send receiptsfrom the individual entries?
  • How to work with the global booking list? All bookings are clearly displayed here.
  • How to work with the global voucher list? You can find all invoices here.
  • How are properties linked to bookings?
  • How to link tasks with bookings?
  • Where can bookings and receipts be exported via CSV ?
  • Which billing fields and lists can be managed in the administration?
  • Where are the user rights for billing set? In the user rights, read and write rights for bookings, vouchers and article management can be set.

Information and instructions about Faktura are also available as a video.
