You are here: Home / Additional modules / Marketing box / Evaluation of serial mails
Evaluation of serial mails
Marketing box
You are here: Home / Additional modules / Marketing box / Evaluation of serial mails
Marketing box
On the dashboard you can add the widget “Marketing-Box“, in which the evaluation of the serial mail dispatch is displayed. Depending on your authorization, you can evaluate your own serial mails or all serial mails.
The number of opened emails since sending is displayed as a diagram. This is only possible for serial mails that were sent with the option “Track dispatch” activated.
The marketing box widget is available for the dashboard. Like all other widgets, you can add it several times, so that the evaluation of several serial mails is directly comparable.
In the marketing box widget, the number of open emails from serial dispatch is displayed as a bar chart. The number of emails read per day is displayed vertically and the time since sending is displayed horizontally.
Above the diagram there is a line showing the numbers for shipping: Receiver, Open, Not open. A click on the respective number opens the search results window in which the corresponding address data records are displayed.
In addition to the bar chart, a table view can also be displayed; the symbols / in the widget frame are used to switch between them.
The content and which dispatch is displayed can be configured. As with all widgets, the wrench symbol in the widget frame serves this purpose. Details can be found in the description of the Widget Marketing box in the Dashboard.