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Create web brochure

Only users with the corresponding user right “Manage web brochure” can create or change web brochures.

You can create a new web brochure via Edit >> Web brochures >> Plus icon New record icon

Thereby you can define the scope of the web brochure via the preset. In addition to a blank synopsis, there are the usual “Short” and “Long” variants. You can also use these categories to specify which images and files of the property will later be displayed in the brochure.

If you want to modify an existing one, you can duplicate the web brochure in the list view via Copy in list view or in an open web brochure via “Duplicate” in the action bar.

Angelegtes Webexposé

The new web brochure will open and you will see the list of blocks on the left and the quick guide or configuration of the selected block on the right.

The web brochure pre-configuration includes your logo, their specified font colors and a footer with your social networks and map and contact details. You don’t need to do anything else here, but you can configure this in detail as usual in the basic settings of the brochure.

The web brochure is valid for 14 days after sending, you can also change this in the basic settings of the brochure.

IMPORTANT, please check each brochure template before activating it via the “Preview” button in the actions bar.

They can now “Activate” the web brochure via the actions bar and can then use it directly in the properties.

Using the Actions bar, you can add more blocks to the web brochure with “Add Block”. You can remove blocks or change the order to customize it to your liking. Details can be found at Change Web brochure


You can open a “preview” of the web brochure via the Actions bar. Either the property / address from last time is used or you enter new ones. For new ones you can select the property and address. 

The address is needed if there are address macros in a text block or if the language of the text blocks should match the language of the address in the multilingual module .

Webexpose preview data select