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Find and offer property

To search for a property outside your offer for one of your prospective buyers, open the magnifying glass preview Lupenvorschau in the corresponding search profile and then the onOffice-MLS via “external search”. A prerequisite for a successful search is that the search profile of the interested party contains geographical information (e.g. radius or regional addition). The search profile from which the onOffice-MLS was accessed is automatically transferred to the search mask of the MLS page.

Suchprofil in der onOffice-MLS
After a successful search, you will now see all properties that match the search profile of your prospective buyer.

If you would like to open the detailed view of a property that you are interested in to read more information, such as the property description or the commission fee, click on “Show details”.

Detailansicht zu einer Immobilie
To return from the detailed view to the list of search results, click “Back to property list” at the bottom of the page.

If you want to offer your prospective buyer a property, click either in the list view or in the detail view of the property on “Add to watch list”. You can see your watchlist on the right side of the onOffice-MLS page

Detailansicht der Immobilie.

If you have added one or more properties to your watch list, you can offer them to your prospective buyer by clicking on “Offer properties”. The “Write Email” window opens with the template “MLS Object Offer”. The properties from the onOffice-MLS are automatically displayed here and the address data record from whose search profile you have opened onOffice-MLS is linked.

You can change the e-mail template, which is selected by default, under Tools >> Settings >> Basic settings >> General >> MLS Page onOffice set.

If the recipient clicks on “Show property” in the Email, he/she will be taken to the short synopsis of the property on offer.

Click on “Print brochure” to print it out. In this MLS-brochure you are shown as contact person, so that your prospective customer does not get knowledge of the property agent. The property agent is also not aware that the property has been offered and to whom.

Only when you contact the property agent on the MLS page will he or she become aware of this and be able to handle the joint business with you.

You can also access the MLS page of the offered property via the activities entry “MLS offer sent” in the address data record of the interested party. In the activity entry under “Offered MLS propertys” you will find a link to the onOffice MLS page of the offered property


After the offer has been sent, information about it is also sent to the broker colleague who posted the property at onOffice-MLS. In this mail ONLY the propertys and their name are mentioned together with contact data. No information about the interested party will be passed on.

With Infomail, you are always up to date when one of your properties is offered.