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Create templates in Word

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To create a template in Word, first open Microsoft Word. Design your template according to your business specifications.

Since templates are mainly useful for standardized cover letters, e.g. for several customers or prospects, you can use interchangeable elements such as address, salutation, etc. as Word macros. onOffice enterprise edition then automatically converts the individual elements into data from the address management.

As an example, here you can see the entire letterhead:

_Firma1 _Firma2
_Anrede _Titel _Vorname _Name
_PLZ _Ort

For a complete list of available macros, see the Macrostopic. Of course, the same principle applies to your brochure templates. The macros for the property data can also be found in the macro list.

The subject line, as well as the text with greeting, you write manually into the document.

In the Word program, go to File and choose Save As.

 Save your template as a web page, that is, as an .htm or .html file. Please make sure not to use spaces, punctuation or umlauts in the file name.

Mircosoft Word automatically creates a folder containing your data and images associated with the template.
The template, or your standard cover letter, is ready and you can upload it to your onOffice.

We have also summarized the creation of a Word template step by step for you. The step-by-step creation of Word templates can be found in the online help under Tutorials or directly here. Or you can register for one of our webinars on Word templates .