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timum – sightseeing organizer

timum is a tool for automated appointment coordination. With this service you can, for example, create calendars for viewings of a property and send them as a link in brochures or emails. Your customers then independently book the appointment that suits them best.

Detailed instructions of the service can be found on timum‘s website.

If timum is activated in the Marketplace, you will find the service in the property in the Files tab. There you will find the new category “Marketplace” on the right side

Marketplace provider in the Files tab of a property

To access timum, click on the “Visit Organizer” button.

timum supplier store call

Above it opens a calendar specifically for the selected property. Here you can specify appointments, distribute them into individual slots, control the mode for booking appointments (freely bookable or on request), retrieve the booking link and much more.

Marketplace supplier timum - Calendar in the store

All booked appointments are synchronized with the onOffice calendar. This way you always have all your appointments in view.

The release link to the booking calendar is also saved in the property in the “Details” tab >> “Management” area >> “timum booking link” field.
