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ViertelCheck – Information on the micro and macro situation

First activate the ViertelCheck service in the onOffice Marketplace:

ViertelCheck - Activation

The ViertelCheck provides you with address-specific information on the micro and macro location of your property. Therefore, please open one of your properties first.

Then select the ViertelCheck service via the icon in the footer:

ViertelCheck - Service call

A pop-up window opens. The address data of your property has already been automatically transferred.

You can now purchase the ViertelCheck service for one selected address or take out a monthly subscription directly.

Customers with an active subscription can use the ViertelCheck service for any number of properties. The payment dialog is no longer displayed.

ViertelCheck - Purchase

After completing the payment process, you will be forwarded directly to ViertelCheck’s comprehensive address-specific location analysis.

Discover all the positive and negative aspects of the neighborhood – from socio-demographic characteristics, infrastructure and local amenities to sources of disruption:

ViertelCheck - Management report

You can call up the purchased ViertelCheck again at any time from the detailed view of the property:

ViertelCheck - Call Report
