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onOffice Services – Gender API

Let the Gender API and a mass update determine the gender of your contact record. Here, the Gender API recognizes which salutation must be stored based on the first name, if this contains “Not specified”.

If a name cannot be determined in the specified region, a global match starts to determine the salutation. If this also does not produce any results, various filters are used to analyze whether there are other spellings for the name.

If the GenderAPI has been enabled in the Marketplace, you can find the service via “Marketplace > Gender API”. The service can be accessed from anywhere.

A popup will open showing you how many contacts have not yet entered a salutation. The Gender API lists all addresses that have entered “not specified” under Salutation.

It is important that a value is selected and saved in the “Country” field in the address in addition to the first name. The service can only determine the salutation if these two pieces of information are stored.

Via “Update salutation” the salutation is set in the contacts. It is possible that for some names no suitable salutation can be found.

onOffice Services - Gender API
