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Geolyzer – infrastructure data

Infrastructure data is in high demand. For this reason Bitlane has developed a tool on behalf of onOffice that you can use free of charge via the Marketplace.
The Geolyzer offers an advanced site plan creation / good extension to the site plan.

The service will be unlocked just like any other service in the Marketplace.

If Geolyzer is enabled in the Marketplace, you can find the service in the property in the Files tab. There you will find the new category “Marketplace” on the right.

Marketplace provider Geolyzer from the Files tab of the call

Open Geolyzer Shop

Alternatively, the service can be opened from within a property via the Marketplace menu.

Marketplace provider Geolyzer, open store from menu bar

The popup with the Geolyzer opens. The contact of the property is automatically taken over:

  • ImmoNo.
  • Street, house number
  • Zip code, city

Attention: For correct functioning, the entered contact of the property must be correct.


By default, the “Maps” tab opens first with a map view of the location.

Marketplace provider Geolyzer, map representation of the property

You can zoom in the map and drag and drop the section to adjust it to your liking.

  • Points of Interest; Decide by checkbox which information is displayed in the map by icon. The data for the points of interest come from OpenStreetMap.
  • Map layout
    • Image format: Choose from the standard formats. Free definition of the format is not possible.
    • Image size: Determine the resolution, depending on how the site plan is to be output.
    • Colors: The color scheme can be customized (standard, gray or CI).

“Create map” generates a site plan according to your specifications and stores it with the file type “Site plan” in the files.

Attention: Please refresh the view of the property so that the map is visible with the files.


On this tab, the tool automatically calculates the distances to certain infrastructure points. The data comes from OpenStreetMap.

Marketplace provider Geolyzer, infrastructure distances of the property

Via “Change values”, the details can be adjusted, supplemented and saved as required.
The distances are automatically saved in the property on the “Details” tab under “Infrastructure”.
