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User details

Depending on the user type (permanently disabled, locked, active) there are differences in the details of the records.

You can also find more information in this video.

Permanently disabled users

If the user is permanently deactivated, no tabs will be displayed, only the corresponding hint text will appear. Permanently deactivated users do not occupy a user license. They can NOT be reactivated.

The option “Continue to share user data for evaluation” allows you to continue evaluating the user’s data in dashboard widgets and statistics, etc. The user will be visible in the corresponding user selections. If groups are selected in the widgets / statistics, its data will be evaluated as well.
If “All” is selected (if it is offered), all data will be evaluated even those of perm. deactivated users for whom the option is NOT set.

As with all users, you can delete the individual rights or deletethe private appointments via the action bar. If you want to delete all other dates as well, this is possible on request. Please contact the onOffice support for this. Please remember, the appointments will also be removed from the agent’s logs and activities in the process.

Locked users

Note: Please note that the user may still have access to mailboxes via external email clients. For security reasons, you can change the passwords of the corresponding mailboxes via email administration .

Locked users cannot log on to onOffice enterprise. There are 2 possible causes for locked users:
First: The user was actively locked by setting the corresponding selection at “Account” in the basic data.
Or secondly: The user was locked by the system because an incorrect password was entered too often. Even then, “locked” is selected for “Account”.

You can unlock the user by setting the “Account” in the user’s basic data to “Unlocked”.

The tabs are still available with the locked user and you can make changes.

As with all users, you can delete the individual rights or delete the private appointments via the action bar.

Active users

In addition to the individual settings, which are explained on the following pages, you can delete the individual rights or delete the private appointments via the action bar, as with all users.