You are here: Home / Additional modules / Process manager / Create process template / steps / Action Task

Process manager

Action Task

Process step Create task

By clicking on the action “Tasks” the following mask appears:

The following input options are available here:

You define the start of the process step in the upper left corner. Here you can choose between the start “After completion of the previous” or after “x days after previous”.

For the responsibility, you can choose between the process owner, the maintainer of the property or contact data record linked to the process (provided, of course, that a property or contact data record is linked to the process step) or a direct user. The task is then assigned to the corresponding user after the process has been started and the user will see the task in his task list.
The “processor” is the start processor and is only taken into account when the task is created.

You can define a deadline for the completion of this process step in days. If after the start the process step has not been processed within the set time limit (specified in days), an email is sent to the process controller to inform him about the delay. The email contact of the process controller can be entered in the process settings (wrench icon).

The person responsible for the task, the type, the priority and the estimated target effort can be entered here.

Via the file upload you upload documents, images etc. that are important for this process step. These are then attached to the created task.

This is the subject of the task.

Here you describe what exactly is to be done in this process step.

You use these two icons to decide which property or contact this process step refers to. Any activity / agent’s log entries are then made in these data records.

Please remember, the next process step will not be started until the task has been completed.

Process step Change task

The process step for processing the task appears for the user specified as the “Start agent”. However, the task can be assigned to another agent / responsible person afterwards. Changes are synchronized so that the process step always appears with the responsible task processor. Thereby a change of the agent of the task is stored as a change of the responsible person in the process step and vice versa a change of the process responsible person in the process manager is transferred to the task.