You are here: Home / Modules / Addresses / GDPR / Overview and setup


Overview and setup

Overview of the


onOffice does not provide binding legal advice. onOffice does not delete any data automatically. 
The workflow described here is based on the EU Data Protection Basic Regulations (GDPR)

The GDPR state of an address stores whether the GDPR applies to the address and what request (consent or deletion) for storage the person has indicated. Beside the wish there are reasons (protection of the brokerage fee) and obligations (tax law etc.) to store the data for a certain time (“save until” fields in the addresses).
The GDPR status of the address results from the request and the reasons/obligations and you can take the necessary steps with it.

After the basic setup has been completed, the following functions in onOffice enterprise edition help you to organize your addresses according to the GDPR state.

  1. Consent Assistant: With one click, the consent of the interested party to the storage of his or her data can be requested. At the same time he is given information about the stored data. Both are automatically stored in your database.
  2. Data monitoring in live operation: After archiving a property, onOffice enterprise edition scans all linked prospect data records. If an interested party is not connected to other active properties, a “Save to date” is set.
  3. GDPR widgets: Dashboard list widgets provide an overview of specific GDPR states and the corresponding address records. The necessary steps can be carried out via it.


To prepare new addresses directly for the GDPR workflow and to be able to write to existing addresses for data storage, some basic settings are necessary.

The form is used in the consent wizard and when enabled in address completion. It is stored together with the addressee specification in the activities of the address data record

Call up the basic settings Extras >> Settings >> Basic settings and switch to the tab “GDPR”. Check, correct and complete the entries. Please note the current legal requirements, e.g. companies in Germany must appoint a data protection officer if more than 10 employees are involved in the processing of personal data.

A suitable PDF template is stored as a basis. You can include your own template or use your own complete, ready-made note form. If groups are set up, a corresponding external PDF note form can be stored there.

If you use the multi-language module, you can enter all texts in multiple languages. To do this, use the language selector in the action bar below. The language of the recipient address is decisive here.

For missing entries in other languages, the text of the system/main language is used as fallback.

Automatic “Save to date”

When archiving a real estate, the system checks all assigned interested parties. If the address data record is not available for any other active real estate as interested party, the “Save to date” is set. Addresses that have agreed to the storage of the data are also excluded

Change to the basic settings “Extras >> Settings >> Basic settings” on the tab “General” and search for the category “GDPR functions”. Activate the function for setting the “Save to” date and select a period of time for the address data to remain saved after the marketing phase. The filter is optional and does not have to be selected in the first step.


You can add the widgets as usual, the configuration is explained in the dashboard widgets