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Direct address completion – where and how

To be able to send an address completion (i.e. an email), you must have assigned a mailbox. For all address records in which an email address is stored, it is possible to send a link to complete the address directly to the customer. The completion can refer to the whole address, the search criteria, the data for the Money Laundering Act or to a combination of these data.

With the address completion the customer can also send you files, e.g. a copy of the identity card for the data according to the Money Laundering Act.
For this purpose, a corresponding field of the type “File” must be created in the administration and activated for address completion.

The uploaded files are additionally stored in the address record in the Files tab, so that you can view them after deleting / changing the files all versions.


The fields to be queried in the address completion can be defined in the administration in the tab “Input fields” via the column “AV” or under the tab “Search criteria“. Simply tick the corresponding box in the “AV” column.

Call address completion

In the address data record, please open the entry “Further actions” in the action bar and click there on “Address completion”.

This opens the popup for sending the address completion. The adaptation to your wishes is explained in detail in the chapter “Direct address completion – Settings / Shipping“.