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Vemeo – Mobility assessment

You can obtain a comprehensive mobility assessment for your property location via the Vemeo service. Not only does it add value to your marketing and site analysis, but it also saves you a lot of time.

If Vemeo is activated in the Marketplace, you can find the service in a property via the Marketplace icon in the Actions bar by clicking the Vemeo >> MobilityValuationbutton.

Marketplace Vemeo

The service is charged per property. After the purchase, you will receive a mobility analysis and a valuation for the property with the following information:

  • Transport links (public transport)
  • Mobility services (e-scooters, e-bikes, rental cars, etc.)
  • Travel times (to highway, airport, train station, etc.)
  • E-charging stations
  • Mobility score

In the mobility score, the individual data are summarized in a rating from 1 to 100.

The valuation is stored in the form of images on the data tab of the property.
